Talks at National Junior College High

Date October 30, 2012

As part of National Junior College High’s Science & Discovery Day, the Hantu Blog gave a talk to some 200 Junior High students, over two sessions.

With the help of photos and videos, the students traveled through Singapore’s coast, from mangrove to coral reefs. They got to discover some animals that are commonly slighted on our reefs like anemonefish, nudibranches and flatworms, and learn about their bizarre hermaphroditic reproduction. Students were also fascinated to find out that we have wild Indo-Pacific bottlenosed dolphins, and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins in Singapore, and the challenges these large mammals face in an ever-changing environment.

They also found out how they can participate in efforts to explore and protect our marine habitat through events like the International Coastal Cleanup (Singapore), and Mega Marine Survey.

Students who attended the talk after their two hour walk at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve also learned that to see and discover local wildlife, they need to spend more than just 2-hours walking in the outdoors once! Scientists and adventurers keep returning to the same places over and over again to see new things. Patience, persistence, and a sense of curiosity helps us discover more about our planet, and ourselves.

If you’d like the Hantu Blog to give a talk at your school, office, or at a public venue, please email us!

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