Endangered sea turtle rescued by stand-up paddle boarders.
November 27, 2021

Protecting wild places doesn’t mean excluding people. Users can be stewards of land and sea. Stand-up paddle boarders found a hawksbill turtle off East Coast today and didn’t hesitate to rescue the endangered reptile that was tangled in discarded fishing nets. Photos: YP Loke

Not all turtles are so lucky. Six months ago, another sea turtle was found decapitated after having remained tangled in a similar net. This one was found just in time. This looks like a sub adult, and is the most vulnerable lifestage of sea turtles! Even more so than hatchlings.

Many hands make for light work. The hawksbill sea turtle is the most commonly sighted #turtle in Singapore waters. They are globally endangered. #EndangeredSpecies#coastalcleanup#marinedebris#ghostnet

Freedom at last! This sea turtle could have been born on our shores and may return to breed here. Protecting marine areas and beaches means our #urbancoastalcity can be an important site for the #conservation of these animals. Marine Protected Areas includes wise use by people.